Attendance and Tardy Policies
Dear Parent, Guardians, and students,
The Belen Soto Elementary school day begins at 8:15AM. One of the most valuable life skills a student can learn is taking the responsibility of arriving at school everyday on time. This skill can easily be accomplished and will transfer as a valuable asset for the future. One of the most important times of the school day is the morning. This is the time when important school news is announced, teachers define the plans for the day, and instructional goals are reviewed and set. The whole tone of a child’s school day is set in the first part of the day. Please help support your children in learning habits that will help them be successful at school and throughout life.
- 7:55AM--First bell rings. All students walk to their classroom. Northeast gate and bus lane gates are unlocked
- 8:13AM--Second bell rings. All students should be in their classrooms.
- 8:15AM--Students arriving at this time are TARDY. All gates are locked at this time. Teachers will not accept students without a tardy pass from the office. Students arriving at this time report to the office for a tardy pass.
- 1st tardy Verbal warning
- 2nd tardy Letter sent to parent/guardian outlining this policy.
- 3rd tardy Parent/student conference with teacher to resolve issue.
- 4th tardy Letter mailed home regarding consequence with next tardy.
- 5th tardy consequences appropriate for student.
Excessive tardiness:
Excessive tardiness is defined as being tardy more than 10% of the current school session. Students who have excessive tardiness may miss the next class activity/ field trip or special event.
Additionally, attendance is essential for student success. When students miss school, they miss educational opportunities. Teachers plan lessons weekly. They use assessment information to help them plan lessons that are targeted toward helping all children experience growth. When a student is absent, they miss a large chunk of learning. It is essential that students attend school every day they are healthy. The law is very specific on how schools are to respond to excessive absences or tardies, also known as truancy.
Specifically the laws states: “It is unlawful for any child between six and sixteen years of age to fail to attend school during the hours school is in session…” Additionally, “a child who is habitually truant or who has excessive absences may be adjudicated an incorrigible child as defined in section 8-201. Absences may be considered excessive when the number of absent days exceeds 10% of the number of required attendance days prescribed in section 15-802, subsection B, paragraph 1…. Habitually truant means a truant child who is truant for at least five school days within a school year. Truant means an unexcused absence for at least one class period during the day. Truant child means a child who is between six and sixteen years of age and who is not in attendance at a public or private school during the hours that school is in session, unless excused as provided by this section. SS: 15-803 (A) (B) (C) (1,2,3) A parent…. who …fails to ensure that the child attends a public, private or charter school pursuant to this section is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor.” SS: 15-802(A) (B) (1) (E) Further, an attendance officer may “issue a citation to an adult or child who is alleged to be in violation of laws specific in subsection A of this section to appear before a court of competent jurisdiction and shall advise the person to whom the citation is issued that failure to appear at the time and place specified in the citation may result in the issuance of a warrant for the person’s arrest. SS 15-805 (B) (1)
Since daily attendance is mandated by law, Belen Soto Elementary is confident in knowing you will support our efforts in helping your child achieve their potential in school. If you are unsure about the policy, please feel free to ask. Once again, thank you for your support. We look forward to making Belen Soto Elementary a premiere community school.
Courtney Frazier