Bell & Lunch Schedule

School Hours:

School Starts promptly at 8:15 AM. Gates open at 7:55 AM and students report to classrooms or to the cafeteria for breakfast.Gates Close at 8:15 AM.

School Ends at 3:15 PM. (3:05 PM for Kindergarten)

Campus Hours:
7:45 AM - 3:45 PM
Breakfast is served from 7:55 AM - 8:15 AM

School Starts promptly at 8:15 AM. Gates open at 7:55 AM and students report to classrooms or the cafeteria for breakfast. Gates Close at 8:15 AM.

School Ends at 1:15 PM. (1:05 PM for Kindergarten)

Lunch Schedule:
Lunch Schedule Coming Soon for the 2024-2025 school year.


Visiting Our School:

Parents/Guardians are welcome to come and have lunch with their child at our parent table, volunteer to help in the classroom or chaperone classroom field trips. (See *Volunteering/Chaperoning) The safety of our students and staff is of utmost importance, therefore we ask that you report to our front office to sign in, receive a Visitor’s badge, and then sign out upon your departure. Visitors are not permitted with students at recess or on the playground even if visiting for lunch unless it is a scheduled volunteer opportunity.


An excellent way for you to stay involved and informed about your child’s school experience is to participate in our Volunteer Program. You can complete the online training on our district website. Parents volunteering for any school function, must complete the training. You are required to update your paperwork each year. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Your child’s safety is our number one priority.