Parking and Student Drop off/Pick up
Parking is available in both the LaMaroma (east) and Campbell (north) parking lots. To help with the flow of traffic, the LaMaroma parking lot will serve as the student drop off/pick up area known as Valet. Students will be able to enter campus from the East gates beginning at 7:55am. They will go straight to their classrooms or to eat breakfast in the cafeteria. We will not have morning recess.
Visitor Parking:
Visitors should park in the north lot on Campbell Avenue. All gates on the campus will be locked during school hours. All visitors must check in at the front office prior to entering campus during school hours.
Valet Procedures:
Drive South on La Maroma, enter the East lot, please stay in your vehicle and please avoid use of cell phones. Children will wait by grade-level OUTSIDE of the Southeast gate. They will be lined up on the preschool wall by grade level in order to watch for your car. Parents may not gather on the block wall. If you have multiple children at our school, the older children will wait with the youngest member of your family and will hold hands when they find each other in order to enter cars quicker. Families may not park in this lot during dismissal. Please pull all the way forward, children will enter on the curb-side of your vehicle, then exit South (right) on La Maroma for the quickest, smoothest dismissal.
Note: Students will not be permitted to walk to cars parked in the valet lot.
ALL walkers will exit out of the Northeast gate. They will go to the crosswalk on La Maroma and Campbell. They can be crossed in either direction from that location ONLY.
Bus Procedures:
Students arriving by bus will enter through the Southwest gate as buses arrive.
Students leaving by bus will promptly exit the campus through the gate designated by his/her homeroom teacher. Students will quickly get on the bus for an on-time departure. Please remind your child about what bus number they need to get on.
Thank you, ahead of time, for paying attention to these important instructions. The safety of our students is most important.