Site Council
Site Council Notes
2022-2023 School Year
Courtney Frazier- Principal
Darren Hiebel- Assistant Principal
Reyna Larriva-Office Manager
Elizabeth Espy-7th grade ELA
Rebecca Lawson-Parent
Tana Kinard-Parent
Wes Mattison-Parent
Heather Sieger- PTA President
- Mrs. Frazier presented the purpose of this council.
- Members went over the agenda.
- Mrs. Frazier is going to reach out to Mr. Wes Mattison to see if he is still willing to be on the council. Members discussed next steps if he is no longer interested in serving.
- Mrs. Frazier informed the members that this council can use tax credit funds for items that are needed that will benefit all or most students.
- Members can brainstorm ideas for items that the students might need. Funds should be spent by March.
- Parents were asked to take a survey last spring. The council discussed the school’s top scored survey question and the lowest scored survey question.
- The top scored survey question was “I feel my child is treated with respect at school” The council members reflected on this question and why it is the highest scored question. The members jotted ideas on what the school is doing to continue to show respect to the students at school.
- Some of the ideas were for the administration to continue to be present at the beginning/end of the day to greet students and parents. The teachers are friendly, Administration is present in classrooms. The posts on FB are positive and inclusive. PTA hosting events help make a strong community.
- The lowest score on the survey was about teachers providing feedback about learning.
- The discussion included ideas on what the staff can do to increase feedback for academics, social skills, behavior, and personal growth.
- Some of the things changing this year are:
- The intervention team will provide reading data for all parents (Acadience Test)
- The intervention team will provide reading letters to parents when they start intervention groups
- The math intervention team will provide a parent letter if students will be getting intervention for math.
- Parents will be provided with their child’s benchmark scores and information after each benchmark test is given in class.
- Middle school teachers are sending home a weekly academic update to parents.
- Parents will be provided with information during progress reports and report cards.
- Parents will be notified if their child will be in a social skills group
- The council also discussed other things staff could do to communicate academic, behavior, social skill, and student personal growth to parents. Ideas were:
- Parents would appreciate positive behavior notes/calls
- Parents might appreciate a note or call about any academic growth. The student might not be proficient at a standard, but it’s important to communicate the growth they are making.
- This might include growth in a certain social skill.
- Mrs. Frazier will be adding Principal’s List, High Honor Roll, and Honor Roll
AG Parent Training
- The first parent training is today at 5:00 with the AG’s office. The discussion is internet safety.
- The AG’s office is offering other parent training including suicide prevention, anti-bullying, and vaping/illegal substance abuse.
- Mrs. Frazier will attend and provide feedback about parent interest and number of parents in attendance. From there, the council will discuss if the other parent trainings would be of interest to the parents in our community and if so, which of the topics available should be provided first
- There are informational flyers available in the office with information about the upcoming override vote.
- Parents and council members are encouraged to remind people to vote at the next election.
- Congratulations to Mrs. Good who will serve as the chairperson.
- The council members reviewed the Bylaws.
- There was one change. Under positions, “The principal will serve as chairperson and facilitator.” That will be changed to say “The principal will elect/nominate a chairperson.” The principal will serve as facilitator.
BSE Vision and Mission: "We are uniting a community of compassionate and empowered life long learners"
October 20, 2022 3:30PM
Belen Soto Elementary Library
1. Call to Order - Introductions/Attendance
Site Council Members:
- Courtney Frazier- Principal
- Darren Hiebel- Assistant Principal
- Reyna Larriva-Office Manager
- Carolyn Scudder-Instructional Coach
- Elizabeth Espy-7th grade ELA
- Rebecca Lawson-Parent
- Tana Kinard-Parent
- Wes Mattison-Parent
- Heather Sieger- PTA President
- Katie Good- Kindergarten Teacher
- Elaine Deardoff- 2nd Grade Teacher
2. General comment
3. New Business
Override Information
Review School Data for Benchmark testing
Update on parent survey goal
Tax credit funding disbursement
4.Adjournment/Next Meeting
Minutes submitted by: Signature___________________ Date______________________
Last Updated October 2022
Please welcome Kara McNamara, our newest member of the Belen Soto Site Council. Mrs. McNamara was selected by our community with 74% of the votes to represent the parent stakeholder group.
Tax Credit funding disbursement
All of the new recess equipment and storage are in and being pushed out immediately following spring break. A video was made for the morning announcements for students to learn about the equipment and procedures for using/returning the equipment. Thank you for making this a priority
Tax Credit push for the last few donations:
Mrs. McNamara will have her marketing team put together advertisement for Tax Credit
Frazier will strategically share Tax Credit information on our social media outlets to increase donations–highlighting field trips and bussing
2023-2024 School Year
BSE Vision and Mission: “We are uniting a community of compassionate and empowered life long learners”
1.Sep 25, 2023
Belen Soto Elementary Library
Call to Order-Attendance Site Council Members:
2. State of the School
- 1100 students.
- Demographer is anticipating 12 additional students per grade level
- Added 2 classrooms in the library
- 5 modular classrooms should be coming by December
- They are in construction
- Reading intervention will move into the rooms that are in the library that will be empty when the modular classrooms are here
- 7th grade writing is still open, permanent sub is filling that position for right now with the help of the student advisor
- Could look into posting a secondary sub position or move the sub to the 7th grade writing and posting the sub position
- Started a Dad’s group in PTA who are coming to recess to play with the students and will help us set up things/helping out where needed
3. New Business
Bond Information
- Board approved to go out for a bond in November
- Part will go to building a new school
- $48 million dollars will go towards the new school/
- $40 million dollars will go towards school upgrades
- $7 million dollars will go to school safety
- $5 million dollars will be for technology/student transportation
- This bond would maintain taxes not increase taxes
- The district is also looking at community boundaries to help with schools that have overcrowding on their campuses
Review School Data for Benchmark testing
Update on parent survey goals
----This will be coming to parents sometime in October
Tax Credit funding
- This is the only committee that can spend “undesignated funds”
- We have $9,221.44 in undesignated funds
- Funds can be used 1. School sponsored 2. For students who are enrolled at BSES 3. Is it optional for students? 4. No academic grade can be required
- Could be used for field trips, fundraising help, tables, tutoring, mural work
- We can also move undesignated funds to other categories if needed
- We could get benches for the school
- Water bottle filters might need to be changed. There have been reports of the water tasting bad
- Might look into “wrapping” the gym
- Parent lunch tables
- More recess equipment not to exceed $500 including a pump
- Promote tax credit for this school year
Minutes submitted by:Signature ___________________ Date_____________________
2024-2025 School Year
Courtney Frazier- Principal
Natalie Sauch- Assistant Principal
Reyna Larriva-Office Manager
Ezra Sanchez–Behavior Coach
Rebecca Lawson-Parent
Morgan Tilleman-Parent
Heather Sieger–3rd Grade Teacher
Marcie Tiano–Instructional Assistant
Matt Flagg–The Refinery Christian Church Pastor
Enrollment & School Updates
A+ School of Excellence Site Visit
Review Bylaws
Share BSE Scorecard
Parent Survey data:
Undesignated Tax Credit
BSE Vision and Mission: “We are uniting a community of compassionate and empowered life long learners”
Belen Soto Elementary Staff Lounge
Courtney Frazier- Principal
Natalie Sauch- Assistant Principal
Reyna Larriva-Office Manager
Ezra Sanchez–Behavior Coach
Rebecca Lawson-Parent
Morgan Tilleman-Parent
Heather Sieger–3rd Grade Teacher
Marcie Tiano–Instructional Assistant
Matt Flagg–The Refinery Christian Church Pastor
● Ideas for School Improvement Projects
Last Updated December 2024