
This is a photo of Mrs. Soto Moreno's very first class.

This is a photo of Mrs. Soto Moreno's very first class.

Soto Courtyard

A view of our courtyard

Mrs. Frazier, Mrs. Soto Moreno and Mr. Moreno at the Cornerstone Ceremony in Jan. 2019.

Mrs. Frazier, Mrs. Soto Moreno and Mr. Moreno at the Cornerstone Ceremony in Jan. 2019.

Girls Volleyball Team

Our girls volleyball team

One of our school assemblies

One of our school assemblies

A gift Mrs. Frazier made for staff.

A gift Mrs. Frazier made for staff.

Belen Soto Elementary School

OUR MISSION and values

Belen Soto  Mission and Values statement

School News


Dear LESD79 Families,

Thank you for your continued trust in the Litchfield Elementary School District. As your Superintendent, I want to take a moment to provide updates and information about how the Litchfield Elementary School District is committed to supporting the children and families of our District.

School Calendar

L. Thomas Heck Middle School
12448 W Bethany Home Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340, United States

Social Media